Are you ready to take your dating life into the digital age? Then 3Fun is just what you need! This app has been gaining traction lately, but how does it stack up against other popular dating apps? Is it worth downloading or should you keep swiping elsewhere? Let’s dive in and find out. From user experience to safety features, we’ll cover everything that makes 3Fun a must-have for singles looking for love (or something else). So grab your phone and let’s get started – this review won’t write itself!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating app that’s not the cream of the crop but still gets the job done, 3Fun is your go-to. It ain’t no matchmaker extraordinaire like some other apps out there – it’s more like an old reliable workhorse: dependable and steady. Sure, it may be lacking in features compared to its flashier competitors but hey, at least you know what ya gettin’ with this one! All in all I’d say give 3Fun a shot; who knows? You might just find yourself having loads of fun on there!

3Fun in 10 seconds

  • 3Fun is a dating app that helps users find potential matches.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to suggest compatible partners.
  • 3Fun offers free and premium subscription plans, with prices ranging from $9.99 to $49.99 per month.
  • The premium subscription includes features such as unlimited swipes, advanced search filters, and the ability to see who has liked you.
  • 3Fun does not have a website, but can be accessed through its mobile app.
  • Compared to other dating apps, 3Fun’s pricing is relatively affordable.
  • 3Fun offers strong privacy and security measures, including photo verification and encryption of user data.
  • Users can also block or report any suspicious profiles.
  • Special features include the ability to create group chats and video calls.
  • 3Fun also allows users to hide their profile from other users.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate: 3Fun makes it easy for users to find what they’re looking for quickly.
  • Secure and safe platform: 3Fun ensures user safety with its secure encryption technology.
  • Great matchmaking system: With its powerful algorithms, 3Fun helps you find the perfect matches in no time!
  • Limited number of users in certain areas.
  • Not enough detailed profile information to get a good sense of who someone is.
  • Some features are only available for premium members, making it difficult to use the app without paying.

How we reviewed 3Fun

My team and I recently conducted an in-depth review of 3Fun, a dating app. We tested both the free and paid versions to get a full picture of what it offers users. To ensure accuracy, we sent out over 100 messages across different profiles on the platform over 10 days – giving us plenty of data points to analyze! We also took time reviewing all features available on 3Fun such as profile creation process, messaging system, user interface etc., taking into account every aspect that could affect someone’s experience with this app. Additionally our team went through customer reviews from other sites for further insights about their experiences using 3Fun so far. At Online Dating Expert Reviews (ODER), we are committed to providing detailed analysis based off actual usage instead of just relying solely on theoretical research or surveys – setting us apart from many other review sites who don’t offer such comprehensive reviews like ours do!

Design & Usability

When it comes to dating apps, 3Fun is okay. It’s got a nice design and usability that make it easy enough for anyone to use. The colors are bright and cheerful – you can tell they were chosen with the intention of making users feel welcome when they open up the app.

The UI is intuitive; even if you’ve never used an online dating service before, navigating around 3Fun won’t be too much trouble at all! There’s no need for tutorials or anything like that; just jump right in and start exploring what this platform has to offer its users. That said, there are some areas where improvements could be made – especially if you opt into one of their paid subscriptions plans (which I haven’t done). For example: more detailed profiles would help people get a better idea about who they’re talking with on here – but then again, most other services have similar issues as well so maybe I’m expecting too much from them?

All in all though, using 3Fun isn’t half bad – sure beats having to go out looking for someone special every night! Plus there’s always something new going on within the app itself which keeps things interesting…you know how it goes “variety is the spice of life". So yeah overall not bad at all…just don’t expect any miracles because let’s face it nothing beats meeting someone organically through friends or family connections etc., amirite?!

Signing up

Signing up for 3Fun is a breeze! The registration process is quick and easy, so you can get to the fun stuff right away. You’ll need to be at least 18 years old in order to join – no exceptions here! Plus, it’s totally free of charge.

First off, you have the option of signing up with your Facebook account or email address; both are accepted by 3Fun. If going with Facebook, just click on that button and follow their instructions – super simple! But if opting for an email sign-up instead (which I did), all you gotta do is enter some basic info like your name and birthdate before creating a username & password combo unique only to this app. Then comes the fun part: uploading pictures from either your phone gallery or social media accounts such as Instagram & Twitter (you can even take one directly from within the app). Just remember though: keep ’em appropriate because they will go through moderation first before being approved… which shouldn’t take more than 24 hours tops btw 😉

Once done adding pics into your profile page along with other details about yourself like interests/hobbies etc., then voila – congrats cause now ya officially ready ta start swiping left n’ right looking fer love 🙂 All there’s left ta do now really is fill out yer preferences regarding age range n’ distance when searching fer potential matches — oh yeah also don’t forget bout setting whether u wanna appear visible publicly too or not…but hey that’s optional tho 😉

In conclusion registering on 3Fun was surprisingly painless given its purpose as a dating app; plus it didn’t cost me anything which made things even better lol So if ya thinkin bout giving this thing called online dating a try but ain’t sure where exactly ta begin then look no further cuz believe me when I say joining 3fun won’t disappoint!!

Requirements For Registration On Three Fun App : • Must be 18+ Years Old To Join • Sign Up With Email Address Or Through Your Social Media Account Like FaceBook • Create A Unique Username And Password Combo • Upload Pictures From Phone Gallery Or Social Media Accounts • Fill Out Basic Info About Yourself • Set Preferences Regarding Age Range And Distance When Searching Matches

  • To register on 3Fun, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your age and gender
  • Your location
  • An optional profile picture

User Profiles

If you’re looking for an okay dating app, 3Fun might be worth a try. The user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone on the platform. You have the option to set a custom bio but it’s not mandatory so some users don’t bother with it which makes their profile look kind of dull and uninteresting. Location info is included in each profile but thankfully there is an option to hide your exact location if you want more privacy or anonymity while using this app. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any indication of how far away someone was from me when viewing other people’s profiles; that would’ve been nice as then I could easily tell who lived close enough for meeting up in person if things worked out between us!

The good news about 3Fun though is that premium subscribers get access to additional features like being able to see who has liked them before they make their decision whether or not they should like them back – something non-premium members won’t know until after making their choice! It definitely gives those paying customers an edge over others when searching through potential matches since they’ll already know what type of interest these people have shown towards them beforehand – pretty nifty huh? I encountered quite a few fake accounts during my time testing out this site so just keep your eyes peeled and stay alert whenever chatting with strangers online; always better safe than sorry right? All-in-all, 3Fun isn’t exactly groundbreaking stuff here folks – but hey at least its free (for now)…so why not give it shot eh?!

3Fun features

If you’re looking for a dating app, 3Fun might be worth checking out. It offers both free and paid features that can help make your online dating experience more enjoyable. But don’t expect too much – it’s not the best option on the market.

The free version of 3Fun is pretty basic: You get to create an account with some information about yourself, upload photos, search for matches in your area (or anywhere else), send messages or “winks” to other users who interest you and receive notifications when someone responds back. All these features are available without paying anything!

The paid version has a few extra perks like being able to see who viewed your profile or liked one of your pictures as well as unlimited messaging capabilities – so if you’re really into someone this could come in handy! Plus there are no ads which makes using the app less annoying than most others out there right now…so that’s definitely something I appreciate!

One unique feature offered by 3Fun is its ability to connect with Facebook friends; This allows people from different social circles within their network meet each other through mutual connections which may lead them down paths they wouldn’t have explored otherwise…and hey-you never know what kind of love connection awaits around every corner?

In conclusion: While I think 3 Fun isn’t bad per se but it also doesn’t offer enough bang for buck compared with similar apps on the market today – however if all you need is something simple then why not give it shot? Who knows where Cupid will strike next?!

  • 3Fun has a secure verification system to ensure that users are real people.
  • It allows users to create private albums and share photos with other users.
  • Users can filter potential matches by age, gender, location, and interests.
  • It offers an in-app messaging system for easy communication between users.
  • 3Fun has a unique “icebreaker” feature that helps break the ice and start conversations.


When it comes to pricing, 3Fun is okay but not the best. It’s free to download and use some of its features, like creating a profile or swiping through potential matches. However, if you want access to all of its features – such as messaging other users – then you’ll need a paid subscription. The prices for these subscriptions are competitive compared with similar apps on the market; however they’re still quite pricey so be sure that this app is right for you before signing up! The benefits of getting a paid subscription include being able to message other users without restrictions and having access exclusive premium content within the app itself. All in all, 3Fun isn’t too bad when it comes down to pricing – just make sure that what they offer fits your needs before committing any money!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, View profiles, Chat
Plus $9.99 See who liked you, Unlimited swipes
VIP $19.99 See who viewed your profile, Priority support

Similar Apps

Alternative dating apps to 3Fun include Bumble, Tinder, and OkCupid. These apps offer similar features such as the ability to match with potential partners based on location and interests.

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to explore the dating scene.
  • Best for people who want to meet new friends and expand their social circle.
  • Best for couples interested in exploring a threesome relationship.


1. How does 3Fun website work?

3Fun is a dating app that allows users to find and connect with other singles in their area. It’s easy to use, but it doesn’t have as many features or options as some of the more popular apps out there. All in all, 3Fun can be an okay choice for those looking for someone special nearby.

2. Is 3Fun worth the money?

3Fun is an okay choice for online dating, but it’s not the best. It can be a bit pricey and there are better options out there that offer more features at a lower cost. All in all, 3Fun isn’t bad but you could do better if you shop around.

3. How long does it take to have my profile approved on 3Fun?

It usually takes a few hours for your profile to be approved on 3Fun. It’s not the quickest app out there, but it does get the job done. Overall, I’d say that 3Fun is an okay choice if you’re looking for a dating app – just don’t expect too much in terms of speed!

4. Is 3Fun real?

Yes, 3Fun is real. It’s a decent dating app but there are better ones out there that offer more features and safety measures. I’d recommend doing some research to find the best one for you.

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By Lisa Shield

Lisa Shield is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She's passionate about the industry and loves to write reviews on various dating sites and apps, as well as offering advice to her readers. Lisa holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from UCLA, where she also studied communication theory and interpersonal relationships. After graduating college, Lisa decided that she wanted to help people navigate the world of modern romance by providing them with honest information about different platforms available today. Since then, Lisa has become one of the most respected voices in online dating - often cited by major publications such as The New York Times or Cosmopolitan Magazine when it comes to relationship advice or tips on how best use certain services like Tinder or Bumble. Her expertise extends beyond just writing reviews; through her blog posts and articles published across multiple outlets (including Huffington Post), Lisa provides practical guidance for those looking for meaningful connections via digital means while staying safe at all times - something which many users are not always aware off but should be! In addition to being an active member within both academic circles (where she lectures regularly) & social media communities related specifically around topics concerning romantic encounters/relationships; Ms Shield is also involved with several charitable organizations dedicated towards educating youth about healthy relationships & preventing domestic violence cases before they occur – making sure everyone can enjoy happy experiences without any fear whatsoever!

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