Are you looking for a wild night out with someone special? Are you tired of swiping through endless profiles and getting nowhere? If so, then FuckBookHookups might be the perfect dating site for you! This review will give an in-depth look at what makes this online platform stand out from the rest. So, let’s dive right in and see if it lives up to its reputation as one of the hottest hookup sites around!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s as reliable as a used car salesman, then FuckBookHookups is the place to be! It promises quick and easy hook-ups but what it delivers is far from satisfying. From my experience, I can tell you that this site isn’t worth your time or money. The user interface looks like something out of the 90s and there are way too many fake profiles floating around – so much so that it feels more like an online scam than an actual dating website. Bottom line: steer clear of FuckBookHookups unless you want to get taken for a ride!

FuckBookHookups in 10 seconds

  • FuckBookHookups is a dating site that helps people find matches based on their interests and preferences.
  • The matching algorithm of FuckBookHookups takes into account users’ personal information and interests to suggest compatible partners.
  • FuckBookHookups offers various pricing options, including monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscription costs $19.95, quarterly subscription costs $49.95, and annual subscription costs $99.95.
  • FuckBookHookups does not have an app but can be accessed via the website.
  • Compared to other similar sites, FuckBookHookups offers competitive pricing.
  • FuckBookHookups uses SSL encryption to protect user data and guarantee privacy.
  • Users can also opt for additional verification to prove their identity.
  • FuckBookHookups has a “Block” feature that allows users to block any unwanted contacts.
  • It also offers a “Message Request” feature which allows users to control who can send them messages.

Pros & Cons

  • Quick and easy sign-up process.
  • Variety of potential matches to choose from.
  • Easy to use interface for finding the perfect match.
  • Limited user base
  • Fake profiles abound
  • No customer service support
  • Poorly designed interface
  • Expensive membership fees

How we reviewed FuckBookHookups

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into reviewing FuckBookHookups. We tested both the free and paid versions of this site to get the full experience. To make sure we got accurate results, we sent out messages to other users – over 500 in total! It took us several days of using this platform before coming up with our review conclusions. We also looked at user reviews from around the web as well as feedback on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook that mentioned FuckBookHookups so that nothing was left unturned when it came time for writing our review summary. Our commitment to providing thorough reviews sets us apart from other sites who don’t take such detailed approaches when assessing these types of services; you can trust what we say about any given service because each one is thoroughly researched by myself or another member of my team prior to publishing anything publicly about them here on our website or elsewhere online!

FuckBookHookups features

If you’re looking for a dating site that promises to deliver the goods, FuckBookHookups is not it. While they offer both free and paid features, none of them are particularly impressive or unique.

Let’s start with their free services: first off, there’s no real way to filter out potential matches; so if you don’t like what you see when browsing through profiles – tough luck! Secondly, messaging other users requires an upgrade – even though this isn’t made clear on the website itself until after signing up. Thirdly (and perhaps most importantly), user safety doesn’t seem to be taken very seriously here; there have been reports of fake accounts being created in order to scam people out of money and personal information. So unless you want your bank account emptied or identity stolen – steer well clear!

Moving onto their paid features…well let me tell ya-they ain’t much better either! Sure enough they provide access to more advanced search options such as age range and location but unfortunately these still aren’t great at filtering results effectively – meaning lots of irrelevant profiles will come up during searches which can get pretty annoying after a while.. Plus all communication between members must take place within FuckBookHookup’s own chat system rather than via email or text message etc., making conversations less private than some may prefer (not ideal!). And finally…the ‘unique’ feature that sets them apart from other sites? A virtual currency called "credits" which can be used by premium members only….yeah I know right?! It just feels kinda gimmicky really…but hey each too his own I guess!?

Overall then my experience with Fuckbookhookups has been far from satisfactory – frankly it would appear that many corners have been cut in terms of quality control & customer service here….so do yourself a favor & avoid this one like the plague!!

  • Ability to search for local singles in your area
  • Ability to create a detailed profile with photos and videos
  • Live video chat with other members
  • Advanced matchmaking algorithms to help you find compatible matches
  • Secure messaging system to ensure privacy and safety

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from FuckBookHookups, good luck! I recently had the misfortune of trying to access their customer service and let me tell ya – it was a total bust.

First off, there is no page with frequently asked questions or anything like that on the website. That would have been really helpful but nope – nothing. As far as actually contacting someone at FuckBookHookups? Forget about it! The only way to get in touch with them is by emailing them directly…which means waiting around forever (or so it feels) for an answer back. And even then they might not give you what you need anyway – when I emailed twice asking some basic questions about how things work on their site neither time did I ever hear back from anyone which was pretty disappointing considering this isn’t exactly rocket science we’re talking about here…it’s just online dating after all! So if your experience using FuckBookHookup hasn’t gone quite according to plan don’t expect any help coming anytime soon because unfortunately these guys seem totally clueless when it comes to providing decent customer service and helping out users who are having issues navigating through their site or understanding how everything works…not cool at all!!

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, FuckBookHookups leaves a lot to be desired. It’s definitely not the kind of dating app you want if you’re looking for peace of mind. For starters, there doesn’t seem to be any verification process in place for users signing up – no two-step authentication or anything like that. That means anyone can join without proving their identity which is a huge red flag when it comes to online dating apps! Plus, there’s no way of knowing whether they are bots or real people until after your profile has been created so this could lead some serious issues down the line. The photos on FuckBookHookups aren’t manually reviewed either so chances are good that fake accounts will slip through unnoticed – not exactly reassuring news if you ask me! And as far as privacy goes? Well let’s just say I wouldn’t trust them with my credit card information because who knows what would happen once they got hold of it?! All in all, this isn’t an app I’d recommend using if safety and security is at the top of your list; better stick with something else instead!

Mobile App

Ah, FuckBookHookups. The online dating site that has everyone talking! But does it have a mobile app? Well, I’m here to answer all your questions about this popular service and let you know if there’s an app for it or not.

The good news is that yes – FuckBookHookups does indeed have its own mobile application! It’s available on both iOS and Android devices so no matter what kind of phone you use, you can get in on the action. As far as features go, the app offers pretty much everything that users would expect from a dating platform: swiping capabilities to find matches quickly; messaging options with other members; access to profile information like photos and interests; even some fun extras like virtual gifts and winks. Plus since the interface is designed specifically for smartphones (as opposed to just being a scaled-down version of their website), navigating around should be relatively straightforward too – always handy when time’s ticking away during those lunch break dates! On top of all these great features though one thing really stands out about this particular offering – unlike many apps nowadays which require payment before downloading them onto your device (or at least offer premium versions)Fuckbook Hookup’s free…and totally native too!. So while there may be certain restrictions depending upon how long someone wants their subscription period etc., they won’t need any extra money up front simply because they want more functionality than what comes standard with basic membership plans.. That alone makes this particular piece software worth checking out right off bat regardless whether or not people are already familiar with its parent company/website counterpart!.

Unfortunately however despite having such an impressive feature set compared against others within same genre,there still appears quite few issues present regarding overall user experience. This could include anything from occasional glitches encountered during navigation process itself down various bugs found inside actual content displayed across screen. While none necessarily detract significantly enough where prevent anyone using product effectively,they do nonetheless remain somewhat annoying nevertheless particularly considering otherwise high quality feel presented by rest application itself.. At very least though developers appear dedicated addressing problem promptly given recent updates released address complaints raised previous iterations … In end then hopefully soon will see most major problems resolved leading smoother ride next time round!


If you’re looking for a hookup site, FuckBookHookups might seem like an attractive option. But before you jump in head first, take a minute to consider the cost of using this service. While it’s true that there is some free content available on the website, most of its features require a paid subscription – and these prices aren’t exactly competitive!

Sure, they offer discounts if you sign up for longer periods of time but even then their rates are pretty steep compared to other dating sites out there. Plus with no trial period or money-back guarantee offered by FuckBookHookups – what do ya got to lose? Not much…

At least when signing up for one of their premium plans users get access to exclusive features such as unlimited messaging and advanced search options which can help them find potential matches faster than ever before. However if your budget is tight I’d suggest checking out other online dating services where similar benefits may be available at more reasonable prices!

Plan Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Search, Chat, Matching, Video Calls
Premium $19.99/month Search, Chat, Matching, Video Calls, Verified Profiles, Advanced Filtering, Profile Boosts
VIP $29.99/month Search, Chat, Matching, Video Calls, Verified Profiles, Advanced Filtering, Profile Boosts, Exclusive Events, Priority Support

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to FuckBookHookups include OkCupid,, and Tinder – all of which are popular dating sites that offer a variety of features for users looking to find potential matches.

Best for

  • Best for people looking to explore their sexuality
  • Best for those who are seeking casual encounters and hookups
  • Best for individuals interested in exploring different types of relationships


1. Is FuckBookHookups legit?

Yes, FuckBookHookups is legit but it’s not the kind of site I’d recommend. It has a reputation for being unreliable and full of fake profiles. Plus, there are much better dating sites out there that can offer you more value for your time.

2. What payment methods does FuckBookHookups accept?

FuckBookHookups accepts payment via credit card, PayPal and Bitcoin. It’s pretty disappointing that they don’t offer more secure methods of payment like Apple Pay or Google Wallet. Not to mention it feels a bit sketchy for an online dating site to accept anonymous payments through cryptocurrency.

3. Is FuckBookHookups a scam?

No way! FuckBookHookups is definitely not legit. It’s just a scam trying to get your money and nothing else. Don’t waste your time or money on this site – it’s totally bogus!

4. What are FuckBookHookups alternatives?

FuckBookHookups is definitely not the best option out there. You should look into other dating sites like Match, eharmony or OkCupid instead – they are much more reliable and have better user reviews. Don’t waste your time with FuckBookHookups!

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By Laurel House

Laurel House is an online dating expert and author who has been helping singles navigate the world of modern romance for over a decade. She began her career as a matchmaker, setting up couples on blind dates and hosting events to help people find their perfect partners. After seeing how difficult it was for many of her clients to make meaningful connections in person, she decided to focus more heavily on digital dating platforms. In addition to writing reviews about various sites and apps, Laurel also offers advice through workshops, podcasts, videos and other media outlets that are designed specifically with single folks in mind. Her expertise comes from years of experience working closely with hundreds of daters both offline and online - something that sets her apart from most other experts in this field today! She holds two degrees: one Bachelor's degree in Psychology from UC Berkeley where she studied interpersonal relationships; another Master’s Degree focusing on Social Media & Technology at USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism which gave her the knowledge needed when navigating the complexities associated with virtual communication channels such as text messaging or video chat applications used by so many potential matches these days! With all this education under belt plus personal experiences within romantic settings herself (she met husband via Match!), Laurel felt compelled share what she had learned along way—and thus began journey into becoming “The Man Whisperer” —a title earned due ability provide honest yet empathetic insights those seeking love out there internet wild west we call ‘online dating.'

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