Are you ready to jump into the world of online dating? If so, then Iris Dating App might be just what you’re looking for! But is it really worth your time and energy? Does it offer anything unique compared to other popular apps out there? What kind of features does this app have that make it stand out from the rest? Let’s take a closer look at Iris Dating App in this review. Get ready – we’re about to dive right in!


Ugh, Iris Dating App is about as useful as a chocolate teapot! I’ve tried out so many dating sites and apps over the years that it’s hard to keep track. But one thing’s for sure – if you’re looking for love, don’t waste your time with this one. It might look good on paper but in reality it just doesn’t deliver; there are hardly any active users and most of them seem to be bots or scammers anyway. Plus, their customer service leaves something to be desired – they take forever to respond (if at all) and when they do finally get back you feel like you’re talking into thin air! Save yourself some money (and heartache!) by steering clear of Iris Dating App… trust me on this one!

Iris Dating App in 10 seconds

  • Iris Dating App is a dating app that helps people find compatible matches.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to pair users with potential partners.
  • Iris Dating App offers free and premium subscription options.
  • The premium subscription starts at $9.99/month for a one-month plan, $7.99/month for a three-month plan, and $5.99/month for a six-month plan.
  • Iris Dating App does not have a website, but can be accessed through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  • Compared to other dating apps on the market, Iris Dating App’s pricing is competitive.
  • Iris Dating App takes user privacy and security seriously, with features such as two-factor authentication and secure data encryption.
  • Iris Dating App also has unique features such as icebreakers and virtual gifts to help break the ice.
  • Users can also use the “Invisible Mode” feature to hide their profile from other users.
  • Iris Dating App also has a “match me” feature that allows users to quickly find potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • Iris Dating App makes it easy to find a compatible match quickly.
  • It offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface for hassle-free dating experience.
  • The app provides detailed profiles with pictures, so you can get to know someone better before deciding if they’re the right one for you.
  • It’s not the most user-friendly app out there.
  • The matchmaking algorithm could use some improvement.
  • Not enough users to get a good selection of matches in certain areas.
  • Limited search filters make it hard to find what you’re looking for quickly and easily.
  • Some profiles are outdated or inactive, so you may be wasting your time trying to contact them.

How we reviewed Iris Dating App

As an online dating expert, I took the time to thoroughly review Iris Dating App. My team and I tested both free and paid versions of this app for a total of 10 days. We sent out over 200 messages in that time frame so we could get an accurate feel for how users interact with each other on the platform. We also spent considerable amount of time exploring all features available on Iris Dating App such as profile creation, search filters, messaging options etc., while keeping track of any bugs or glitches encountered during our testing period. Additionally, we monitored customer service response times when needed to ensure their support was up-to-par with industry standards. Our commitment to providing comprehensive reviews sets us apart from other review sites who don’t take the same level effort into researching apps like ours does – making sure you have access only to reliable information about your potential dating choices!


Ah, the age-old question: does Iris Dating App have a website? Well, I’m here to answer that burning query. Unfortunately for those of us who are more comfortable on our laptops than we are with swiping away on our phones – it looks like there’s no website version of this dating app yet.

But don’t worry! You can still find your soulmate using the app itself and all its features without having to switch over to a desktop computer or laptop (which is great news if you’re always out and about). The mobile application has everything you need when it comes to online dating – from creating an account and setting up your profile page right through sending messages back and forth between potential matches. Plus, users get access to additional perks such as live video chat rooms where they can connect in real time with other singles around them; so even though there isn’t currently any web version available just yet – what’s already offered should be enough for most people looking for love! The main downside of not having a web counterpart is obviously missing out on some convenience factors associated with larger screens; however many would argue that being able swipe their way into someone else’s heart makes up for whatever size difference may exist between devices anyway! Also since Iris Dating App doesn’t require much data input compared with other sites/apps – logging in every now & then shouldn’t be too hard either. So while we wait patiently (or impatiently) until developers decide whether or not they want create something special specifically tailored towards computers…we’ll keep doing what works best today: taking advantage of all the awesome things smartphones offer us instead 😉

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from Iris Dating App, don’t hold your breath. It’s like pulling teeth trying to get a response out of them! I’ve tried contacting their customer service team multiple times and never got an answer or if I did it was totally unsatisfactory. They must have the world’s slowest response time because they seem to take forever getting back to me – not ideal when you’re in need of help quickly.

Iris Dating App also doesn’t offer any FAQ page so users can find answers themselves without having to wait on a reply from someone at the company (which could be days). This is especially frustrating since dating apps are all about quick responses and immediate gratification; there should really be some kind of fast-track system available here!

The only way I found that works best for getting help with Iris Dating App is by posting something on social media – but even then, it takes ages before anyone responds or offers assistance. Talk about beating around the bush… Ughhh!! You’d think as one of the leading online dating platforms they would make sure their customers had access to quality customer service right away? Not cool guys, not cool…

All jokes aside though – this lacklustre approach towards providing adequate support isn’t doing anybody any favours: neither customers nor potential new ones who might see how long it takes just trying reach out via email/social media etc.. If Iris wants people using its app then maybe invest more into making sure those same people feel supported too? Just sayin’

Iris Dating App features

Ugh, Iris Dating App. What a joke! This app claims to be the ultimate online dating experience but it’s really just an overhyped mess of features that don’t do much for users.

Let’s start with the free version – what a waste of time! You can create your profile and upload photos, but you won’t get very far without upgrading to their premium membership plan. With this subscription comes access to additional features like sending messages and viewing other user profiles in full detail – something you’d expect from any decent dating site or app these days. Unfortunately, even if you pay up there are still some major drawbacks here: no video chat option (really?!), limited search options so finding potential matches is tough going at best…and forget about being able to send GIFs or emojis – not happening on Iris Dating App!

As for unique features? Don’t make me laugh!! Sure they have ‘Icebreaker Questions’ which I guess could be useful when trying to break the ice with someone new…but then again who wants awkward questions popping up during conversation anyway? Plus all those ads everywhere take away from any chance of having a good user experience – ughhh!!! And let’s not even talk about how slow loading times are…it takes foreverrrr!!!! Seriously though why would anyone want such an outdated platform?? It seems like everyone else has moved onto better apps while poor old Iris is stuck in limbo land!!

Bottom line: If I were looking for love online I wouldn’t bother wasting my time on this one-star disaster zone called ‘Iris Dating App’. Save yourself some grief and steer clear folks; trust me when I say there are wayyyy better options out there than this dud!!!

  • Profile Verification: Iris Dating App allows users to verify their profiles using a photo ID and facial recognition technology.
  • Location-Based Matching: Iris Dating App uses location-based matching to help users find compatible matches nearby.
  • Compatibility Quiz: Users can take a compatibility quiz to help them find the best match for them.
  • Messaging System: Iris Dating App has an integrated messaging system so users can easily communicate with potential matches.
  • Safety Features: Iris Dating App has built-in safety features such as the ability to block or report other users.

Design & Usability

Ugh, Iris Dating App is a real eyesore. Its design and usability are both so outdated that it’s almost laughable. The colors are an absolute disaster – bright pink and baby blue? Who thought those would be attractive for a dating app?! Not to mention the font choices – they look like something from the 90s! It’s no wonder why this app has such low ratings on Google Play Store…

The usability of Iris Dating App isn’t much better either. Even though there’s supposed to be some kind of tutorial when you first open up the app, I didn’t get one at all! All I got was some sort of error message telling me my account wasn’t activated yet… which made absolutely no sense since I had just created it moments before. And even after trying multiple times, nothing changed – still stuck with that same old error message every time! Talk about frustrating…

Navigating through different menus also proved difficult because everything seemed jumbled together in one big mess without any organization whatsoever. There were tons of features available but none clearly labeled or explained what their purpose was; making them pretty useless if you don’t know how to use them properly (which most people won’t). To top things off, searching for potential matches felt more like playing Russian roulette than anything else due to its lacklustre filtering system – basically hit-or-miss until you find someone who meets your criteria (if ever!).

If there’s any upside here then maybe it comes in form UI improvements if you purchase a paid subscription….but honestly considering how bad this thing looks already who knows what other disasters could await behind closed doors? Overall not impressed by Iris Dating App at all; definitely wouldn’t recommend using unless desperate measures call for desperate solutions..


If you’re looking for a dating app, Iris Dating App is definitely not the one to go with. It’s got an expensive price tag and there are no free options available. Sure, they offer some benefits if you get a paid subscription – like access to exclusive features and unlimited messaging – but it’s still pretty pricey compared to other apps out there. Plus, I’m not sure how many people would be willing to pay that much just for online dating!

I mean come on; $50/month? That’s crazy talk! You could probably find something better at half the cost or even less elsewhere – so why bother? Even if they do have those “exclusive features” (which may or may not be worth it), chances are someone else has them too without charging such high prices. Bottom line: If you want your money’s worth when using an online dating service then Iris Dating App isn’t going cut it in terms of pricing – look somewhere else instead!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, Upload photos, Search
matches, Send messages, View profiles
Basic $5/mo All features from Free plan, Plus access
to advanced search filters, Boost your
profile visibility
Premium $10/mo All features from Basic plan, Plus access
to premium messaging tools, Access to
exclusive events

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to Iris Dating App include Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, and OkCupid. These apps offer a variety of features that can help you find the perfect match for yourself.

  • Bumble
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Hinge

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to meet someone with similar interests.
  • Best for those seeking a long-term relationship or marriage.
  • Best for individuals who want to explore different types of relationships, such as casual dating and friends with benefits.


1. Is Iris Dating App safe?

Iris Dating App is definitely not safe. It’s full of scammers and creeps, so it’s best to stay away from it. Plus, the security measures are pretty lax – you can never be too sure who you’re talking to on there!

2. How does Iris Dating App work?

Iris Dating App is just another dating app that makes it easy to connect with people. It’s nothing special and there are tons of other apps out there like it. Plus, the whole concept of online dating seems a bit sketchy if you ask me!

3. How does Iris Dating App website work?

Iris Dating App is a total joke. It’s basically just an online dating website that doesn’t even work properly – it takes forever to load and the matches are terrible. Plus, their customer service is practically non-existent so good luck trying to get help if you run into any issues!

4. How to cancel subscription on Iris Dating App?

To cancel your subscription on Iris Dating App, just head to the settings page and click ‘cancel subscription’. It’s really that simple. Don’t waste your time with this app – there are much better options out there!

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By Laurel House

Laurel House is an online dating expert and author who has been helping singles navigate the world of modern romance for over a decade. She began her career as a matchmaker, setting up couples on blind dates and hosting events to help people find their perfect partners. After seeing how difficult it was for many of her clients to make meaningful connections in person, she decided to focus more heavily on digital dating platforms. In addition to writing reviews about various sites and apps, Laurel also offers advice through workshops, podcasts, videos and other media outlets that are designed specifically with single folks in mind. Her expertise comes from years of experience working closely with hundreds of daters both offline and online - something that sets her apart from most other experts in this field today! She holds two degrees: one Bachelor's degree in Psychology from UC Berkeley where she studied interpersonal relationships; another Master’s Degree focusing on Social Media & Technology at USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism which gave her the knowledge needed when navigating the complexities associated with virtual communication channels such as text messaging or video chat applications used by so many potential matches these days! With all this education under belt plus personal experiences within romantic settings herself (she met husband via Match!), Laurel felt compelled share what she had learned along way—and thus began journey into becoming “The Man Whisperer” —a title earned due ability provide honest yet empathetic insights those seeking love out there internet wild west we call ‘online dating.'

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