Are you looking for love? Tired of swiping left and right with no luck? KIK might be the answer! This dating site has been around since 2002, so it’s had plenty of time to perfect its matchmaking process. But does it really work? Is KIK worth your time – or should you keep searching elsewhere for that special someone? Read on to find out!


If you’re looking for a dating site that’s as smooth and easy to use as KIK, then look no further! This app is like butter – it just glides right along. You can quickly set up your profile with all the information you need, including photos. Plus, there are plenty of features to keep things interesting – from group chats to private messaging and even video calls. It’s one of the best options out there when it comes to online dating sites; I’d definitely give it two thumbs up!

KIK in 10 seconds

  • KIK is an online dating site that allows users to find potential matches based on their interests and preferences.
  • The matching algorithm of KIK uses a combination of machine learning and human input to make sure that users are connected with the most compatible partners.
  • KIK offers different pricing options, ranging from free basic membership to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions cost $9.99 per month, $24.99 for three months, or $59.99 for a year.
  • KIK also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other similar sites, KIK’s pricing is relatively affordable.
  • KIK takes privacy and security seriously and all user data is encrypted and stored securely.
  • KIK also has special features such as anonymous chat rooms and the ability to create private groups.
  • KIK also has a “Trust & Safety” team that monitors the site for any suspicious activity.
  • KIK also has a “block” feature that allows users to block anyone they don’t want to communicate with.

Pros & Cons

  • KIK is easy to use and navigate.
  • It’s free, so no need to worry about subscription fees.
  • You can find potential matches quickly with its advanced search features.
  • Its messaging system makes it easy to stay in touch with your matches on the go.
  • There are plenty of safety measures in place for users’ security and privacy protection.
  • It’s not as secure as other dating sites.
  • Not all users are looking for relationships.
  • You can’t filter out people you don’t want to talk to.

How we reviewed KIK

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into KIK to review it thoroughly. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site for several days, sending out messages to other users in order to get an accurate picture of what this platform has to offer. In total we sent over 200 messages during our time on KIK – that’s dedication! We also looked at user reviews from across the web so we could make sure our findings were consistent with those already using or who had used KIK before us. Additionally, we spent hours analyzing features such as messaging options, profile setup process & customization options available within each account type (free vs premium). Finally, when all was said and done -we put together a comprehensive report outlining everything you need know about using KIK including pros/cons associated with its use.
What sets us apart from other review sites is not only did take great care in ensuring accuracy but went above-and-beyond by actually spending time testing out various aspects of this dating service firsthand instead relying solely on third party information alone; something many others fail do or simply don’t have access too!

Mobile App

KIK is a popular online dating site, but does it have an app? The answer is yes and no. Yes, KIK has a mobile app for both Android and iOS devices that allows users to stay connected with their matches on the go. However, this isn’t exactly native – it’s actually just a web-based version of the desktop platform which can be accessed through your device’s browser.

The main advantage of using KIK’s mobile app over its website counterpart is convenience; you don’t need to be tied down in front of your computer or laptop anymore! You can easily access all features available on the full website while out and about without having to worry about being disconnected from potential dates when away from home. Plus, since there are no downloads required (it runs directly within your device’s browser), it won’t take up any storage space either – so everyone wins!

On top of that, another great thing about KIK’s mobile app is how easy navigation becomes thanks to its intuitive design; everything looks neat and organized even if you’re accessing via smaller screens like those found on smartphones or tablets – making sure nothing gets lost in translation between platforms! And best yet: It doesn’t cost anything extra as downloading/using this version remains free for anyone who already has an account registered with them before hand.

Unfortunately though not everything here comes up roses… As mentioned earlier due to being simply web-based instead natively coded into each operating system means some functionality may suffer depending upon what type hardware one uses at times resulting slower loading speeds than expected plus certain animations might not always display correctly too which could lead disappointment among more experienced users expecting something closer resembling traditional apps they’ve used elsewhere previously.. Still despite these drawbacks overall performance still holds strong enough make worth checking out least once see yourself whether fits needs better than standard webpage itself!.

Signing up

So, you’re thinking about joining KIK? Well, buckle up because I’m here to take you through the registration process. First things first – it’s free! So no need to worry about having your wallet ready. The minimum age for signing up is 18 years old so if that applies to you then let’s get started. The whole thing takes just a few minutes and can be done from any device with an internet connection – easy peasy! You’ll start by entering some basic information like your name, email address and date of birth (which will also help verify that you meet the age requirement). Then comes creating a username which needs to be unique but don’t stress too much over this part as there are plenty of options available on KIK dating site. After choosing one simply click ‘Continue’ and voila – almost done already! All that remains now is setting up a password which should include at least 8 characters including both letters and numbers for extra security measures; make sure not forget it though or else all those moments spent registering would have been in vain…haha!. Once everything looks good hit ‘Sign Up’ button located right below these fields – boom-shaka-laka…you’ve made it past the finish line!! Now go ahead explore what lies beyond 🙂

  • To register on KIK, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • A profile picture

Design & Usability

KIK is a dating site that stands out from the crowd with its vibrant colors and modern design. It’s easy to use, so you won’t have any trouble navigating around the site or finding what you’re looking for. The interface is simple yet effective; it allows users to quickly access all of their messages, contacts, and other features without having to click through too many menus or pages. Plus, KIK has plenty of helpful tutorials available if you need help getting started on your journey towards finding love!

The layout of KIK makes it super user-friendly – everything looks neat and organized which helps make searching for potential matches much easier than some other sites I’ve used in the past. Even better? You can customize your profile page however you’d like by adding photos or changing up text boxes as needed – perfect for making sure everyone knows exactly who they’re talking to when browsing profiles online! For those wanting even more customization options (or just an extra bit of fun!), there are also paid subscription plans available that give members exclusive UI improvements such as additional color themes and fonts choices – talk about spicing things up! Whether free or premium membership plan though – one thing’s certain: using KIK will be smooth sailing every step along the way thanks in part due its intuitive navigation system plus tons o’ bells & whistles thrown into this already awesome package…allowing singles everywhere take control over their own destiny while hunting down Mr./Mrs Right(eous)!

User Profiles

I recently tried out KIK, and I must say that it’s a great dating site! The user profiles are public so anyone can view them. You can also set your own custom bio which is really cool if you want to stand out from the crowd. Plus, there’s even location info in each profile – though you do have the option of hiding this information if desired. And what’s more? There’s actually an indication of how far away other users are located from you – perfect for those who don’t want to waste time on long-distance relationships!

For those looking for something extra special, KIK offers premium subscriptions with lots of benefits such as unlimited likes and messages (which definitely comes in handy when trying to find love!). But best yet? During my testing period I didn’t come across any fake profiles – always a bonus when it comes online dating sites like these!                                                                                                             

All things considered, KIK has been one heckuva ride so far; easy navigation combined with plenty of features make this site top notch in my book. So whether you’re just dipping your toes into the world of online dating or already swimming laps around its waters – give ‘er a go and see where she takes ya’ 😉


KIK is a great dating site that offers something for everyone. Whether you’re looking to find love or just have some fun, KIK has got your back! The best part? It’s free – no need to pay any subscription fees. That said, if you want access to all the bells and whistles on offer with KIK then it might be worth shelling out for a paid membership. You’ll get exclusive features like unlimited messaging and photo sharing as well as additional search filters so you can narrow down your matches even further. Plus, their prices are competitive compared to other similar sites – definitely worth considering if you’re serious about finding someone special online! All in all, I’d say give KIK a try; there’s nothing quite like it when it comes to finding romance without breaking the bank!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to KIK include Bumble, Tinder, and OkCupid. These dating sites offer similar features as KIK such as the ability to message other users and create profiles.

  • OkCupid
  • eHarmony
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people looking to meet new partners
  • Best for those seeking casual relationships
  • Best for individuals who are open-minded and willing to explore different types of connections


1. Is KIK free?

Yes, KIK is free! It’s a great way to meet new people and find potential dates. I’ve had some really good experiences with it so far – definitely worth checking out!

2. Is KIK worth it?

Absolutely! KIK is a great dating site – it’s easy to use and has lots of features that make finding someone special really simple. Plus, the community is friendly and welcoming so you’ll feel right at home. All in all, I’d definitely recommend giving KIK a try!

3. How can I know that the profiles on KIK are real?

KIK is a great dating site with plenty of real profiles. I’ve found that the best way to know if someone’s profile is genuine is by messaging them and getting to know them better. The more you chat, the easier it becomes to tell if they’re being honest or not!

4. How many users does KIK have?

KIK is an awesome dating site with a huge user base! I’ve been using it for quite some time and there’s always someone new to chat with. It has millions of users, so you’re sure to find your perfect match!

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By Lisa Shield

Lisa Shield is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She's passionate about the industry and loves to write reviews on various dating sites and apps, as well as offering advice to her readers. Lisa holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from UCLA, where she also studied communication theory and interpersonal relationships. After graduating college, Lisa decided that she wanted to help people navigate the world of modern romance by providing them with honest information about different platforms available today. Since then, Lisa has become one of the most respected voices in online dating - often cited by major publications such as The New York Times or Cosmopolitan Magazine when it comes to relationship advice or tips on how best use certain services like Tinder or Bumble. Her expertise extends beyond just writing reviews; through her blog posts and articles published across multiple outlets (including Huffington Post), Lisa provides practical guidance for those looking for meaningful connections via digital means while staying safe at all times - something which many users are not always aware off but should be! In addition to being an active member within both academic circles (where she lectures regularly) & social media communities related specifically around topics concerning romantic encounters/relationships; Ms Shield is also involved with several charitable organizations dedicated towards educating youth about healthy relationships & preventing domestic violence cases before they occur – making sure everyone can enjoy happy experiences without any fear whatsoever!

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