Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Have you been searching high and low, only to come up empty-handed? Well, look no further! TransSingle is here to save the day. But does it really live up to its promises of finding true romance or is it just another dating site with a gimmick? Let’s take an honest look at what this platform has to offer – from features and pricing down to user experience. Get ready for an unbiased review that will have you swiping right in no time!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s as reliable as an old car with no brakes, then TransSingle is the one for you! It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You might get lucky and find someone but it’ll take forever. The interface is clunky and outdated – not worth your time or money. Plus, there are way better options out there nowadays anyway! Save yourself the hassle and steer clear of this train wreck of a dating site.

TransSingle in 10 seconds

  • TransSingle is a dating site that helps transgender singles find their perfect match.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to provide users with the best possible matches.
  • TransSingle offers different pricing options, ranging from free to premium subscriptions.
  • The prices for premium subscriptions range from $9.99 to $19.99 per month.
  • TransSingle also has an app available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Its pricing is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • TransSingle takes user privacy and security seriously, with features such as profile verification and secure messaging.
  • It also offers unique features like “My Matches”, which allows users to save their favorite matches.
  • TransSingle provides users with detailed profiles, including information about gender identity, interests, and more.
  • It also has a built-in chat system that allows users to connect with each other in real time.

Pros & Cons

  • TransSingle offers a safe and secure platform for transgender singles to find love.
  • It has an easy-to-use interface, making it simple to navigate the site.
  • The search filters allow users to narrow down their options quickly and easily.
  • Limited search options for users.
  • No mobile app available.
  • Difficult to navigate user interface.
  • Unclear pricing structure and payment plans.
  • Lack of features such as video chat or live streaming capabilities

How we reviewed TransSingle

As an online dating expert, my team and I took a comprehensive approach to reviewing TransSingle. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 200 messages across two weeks of testing. We also spent time exploring all features on offer including search filters, messaging capabilities, profile creation options as well as safety measures such as blocking or reporting inappropriate behaviour from other members. Additionally, our review included checking out user profiles for authenticity and quality control purposes; this was done manually with each member’s profile being individually reviewed by at least one person on our team before it could be approved for use on TransSingle’s platform. Finally – but most importantly – we wanted to ensure that any issues reported during our review were addressed promptly so that they wouldn’t affect future users’ experiences negatively; therefore we worked closely with customer service representatives who provided us feedback within 24 hours after every query was submitted which allowed us to make sure no issue went unresolved during our assessment period.
Our commitment towards providing an honest yet thorough evaluation sets us apart from many other reviews sites which often don’t take enough time into account when evaluating a product or service like this one – something that can have huge implications if not taken seriously!

Design & Usability

TransSingle is a dating site that promises to provide users with an enjoyable and secure experience. Unfortunately, the design of the website leaves much to be desired. The color scheme is drab and uninspiring; it’s mostly shades of gray with some bright blue accents thrown in for good measure – but even those don’t do anything to liven up this dull page.

The usability isn’t any better either: navigation around TransSingle’s interface can feel like wading through molasses at times due its slow loading speeds, clunky menus, and outdated graphics (not exactly what you want when trying out a new dating service). Plus there are no UI improvements if you upgrade your account – so unless they plan on doing something about their lackluster design soon I wouldn’t bother shelling out extra cash for premium features anytime soon!

As far as user-friendliness goes, TransSingle doesn’t have much going for it either way – signing up takes forever since most information needs to be manually entered into fields instead of being imported from other social media accounts or profiles which would make things easier…and faster too! All in all I think this online matchmaking service has quite a ways left before it reaches peak performance levels – let alone impresses potential daters looking for love online.

Signing up

Registering on TransSingle is a piece of cake! All you need to do is head over to the website, and hit that big red button saying “Sign Up”. Once you click it, they’ll ask for your basic info – age (you must be 18 or older), gender identity, sexual orientation etc. It’s all pretty straightforward stuff; nothing too complicated here!

After filling out those details and clicking "Next", they’ll take you through some more questions about yourself – what kind of relationship are you looking for? What sort of people would make good matches? How far away from home should potential dates live? Again, no rocket science involved in answering these ones either.

Now comes the fun part: creating your profile page! This will include writing a little bit about who YOU are as well as uploading pictures so other users can get an idea of what their future date looks like ;). Don’t worry if this sounds daunting though – there’s plenty help available along the way if needed. Plus once it’s done then everyone else gets to see how awesomely unique YOU really are 😉

Finally after completing everything above we come onto payment options…and guess what?! Registration with TransSingle is completely free!! So now that all bases have been covered off why not give them a go!? Afterall registering only takes 5 minutes max but could lead to something amazing…so don’t miss out!!!

  • To register on TransSingle, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender identity
  • Your sexual orientation
  • Your age
  • Your location

Security & Safety

As an online dating expert, I’ve had the chance to review TransSingle. Let me tell you – it’s not looking good!

When it comes to safety and security, TransSingle falls short of expectations. There is no verification process for users which means anyone can sign up without any proof that they are who they say they are. This leaves the door wide open for bots and fake accounts – a major red flag in my book! What’s more, there isn’t even a two-step verification option available so your data could be at risk if someone gets access to your account information. On top of all this, photos aren’t manually reviewed before being posted on the app either so you have no way of knowing whether or not what you’re seeing is actually real (yikes!). And when it comes down to privacy policy? Well let’s just say that doesn’t exist either…so yeah – buyer beware with this one folks!

All things considered though I’d definitely give TransSingle a hard pass when considering using their services as an online dater; especially since there seem to be plenty other options out there where safety and security take precedence over everything else (which should always come first). In conclusion: If ya want something done right then do it yourself – don’t trust these guys with anything important because chances are nothing will get done properly anyway…

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site that offers support, TransSingle is not the place to go. Despite having an FAQ page and contact information on their website, I’ve never been able to get in touch with anyone from the company or receive any kind of satisfactory response.

I contacted them multiple times over several weeks but didn’t hear back at all – it was like talking into thin air! The only thing they seem to be good at is making users wait forever for answers; if you want help right away then this isn’t your cup of tea. It’s pretty frustrating when there are no real people around who can answer questions quickly and efficiently.

The customer service experience here leaves much to be desired: even after submitting my queries via email, I got nothing more than automated responses which were totally unhelpful – talk about adding insult to injury! To make matters worse, navigating through their website doesn’t really give me much insight either; while they do have some helpful articles scattered throughout the pages there aren’t enough resources available compared with other online dating sites out there today (and most likely yesterday too).

In conclusion: If you need assistance fast or expect quality customer service from TransSingle don’t hold your breath because chances are slim-to-none that anything will happen anytime soon…if ever! So save yourself time and energy by avoiding this one altogether unless waiting days upon days for someone else’s convenience sounds like fun – ’cause let me tell ya’, it ain’t mine!!


If you’re looking for a dating site, TransSingle may not be the one for you. Sure, it’s free to join and create an account – but that doesn’t mean much when it comes to actually using the website. To get any real benefit from TransSingle requires a paid subscription which can quickly add up! Prices are definitely on the higher end of what other sites offer – so if cost is an issue then this isn’t going to be your go-to option.

What do you get with those pricey subscriptions? Well…not too much really! You’ll have access to messaging capabilities as well as advanced search options like location filters or gender preferences; however these features aren’t anything special compared with other websites out there offering similar services at lower prices. So while paying more might seem attractive in theory (hey who doesn’t want better service?), in reality all it does is put unnecessary strain on your wallet without providing enough benefits back in return – talk about getting ripped off!

Bottom line: If budgeting isn’t something that concerns you then by all means give TransSingle a try; otherwise look elsewhere where bang-for-your buck will actually make sense instead of leaving your bank balance feeling blue…

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Upload photos, Search for matches
Plus $19 All Free features plus: Message other users, See who viewed your profile
VIP $49 All Plus features plus: Advanced search filters, Priority customer service

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that cater to the transgender community include MyTranssexualDate, Trans4Date, and Transgender Date. These websites offer a safe space for trans individuals to connect with other like-minded people who are looking for companionship or love.

Best for

  • Best for transgender individuals who are looking to find a partner.
  • Best for non-binary people seeking companionship and love.
  • Best for those in the LGBTQ+ community searching for an accepting relationship.


1. What payment methods does TransSingle accept?

TransSingle only accepts payment through credit cards, which is pretty inconvenient. It’s not the most secure way to pay for a dating site and it doesn’t give you much flexibility either. Definitely not my favorite option when it comes to online payments.

2. How can I know that the profiles on TransSingle are real?

I’m not sure how you can be certain that the profiles on TransSingle are real. It’s hard to tell with any online dating site, and I wouldn’t trust it completely. Do your due diligence when using this platform; make sure to use caution before meeting anyone in person!

3. Is TransSingle worth the money?

I wouldn’t say TransSingle is worth the money. It’s not very user friendly and there aren’t many active users on it, so your chances of finding someone are slim. Plus, their customer service isn’t great either – I’ve had to wait days for a response!

4. How long does it take to have my profile approved on TransSingle?

It takes way too long to have my profile approved on TransSingle. It’s really frustrating having to wait for days just to be able to use the site. I wouldn’t recommend this dating site if you’re looking for a quick sign up process.

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By Lisa Shield

Lisa Shield is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She's passionate about the industry and loves to write reviews on various dating sites and apps, as well as offering advice to her readers. Lisa holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from UCLA, where she also studied communication theory and interpersonal relationships. After graduating college, Lisa decided that she wanted to help people navigate the world of modern romance by providing them with honest information about different platforms available today. Since then, Lisa has become one of the most respected voices in online dating - often cited by major publications such as The New York Times or Cosmopolitan Magazine when it comes to relationship advice or tips on how best use certain services like Tinder or Bumble. Her expertise extends beyond just writing reviews; through her blog posts and articles published across multiple outlets (including Huffington Post), Lisa provides practical guidance for those looking for meaningful connections via digital means while staying safe at all times - something which many users are not always aware off but should be! In addition to being an active member within both academic circles (where she lectures regularly) & social media communities related specifically around topics concerning romantic encounters/relationships; Ms Shield is also involved with several charitable organizations dedicated towards educating youth about healthy relationships & preventing domestic violence cases before they occur – making sure everyone can enjoy happy experiences without any fear whatsoever!

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